24-28 June 2013
Royal Observatory, Edinburgh
Europe/London timezone

Measurements of cross-correlations of the Lyα forest with DLAs and quasars from BOSS

26 Jun 2013, 10:50
Lecture Theatre (Royal Observatory, Edinburgh)

Lecture Theatre

Royal Observatory, Edinburgh

Blackford Hill Edinburgh


Dr Andreu Font-Ribera (University of Zurich)


The Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) uses the SDSS telescope to obtain spectra of 1.5 million galaxies to get a very accurate measurements of the BAO scale at redshift z ~0.5. Roughly a 20% of the fibers of the spectrograph, however, are pointing to high redshift quasars with the idea of detecting the BAO also in the clustering of gas responsible for the Lyα absorption present in the quasars, known as the Lyα forest. In this talk I will present the first results of the survey, highlighting the first large scale measurement of the correlation function (Slosar++ 2011), the first detection of its large scale correlation with Damped Lyα systems (Font-Ribera++ 2012) and with quasars (Font-Ribera++ 2013), and the first detection of the BAO in the Lyα forest (Busca++2013, Slosar++2013).

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