24-28 June 2013
Royal Observatory, Edinburgh
Europe/London timezone

Stacking Lyα forest absorbers in the SDSS-III/ BOSS DR9 quasar survey

24 Jun 2013, 16:40
Lecture Theatre (Royal Observatory, Edinburgh)

Lecture Theatre

Royal Observatory, Edinburgh

Blackford Hill Edinburgh


Dr Matthew Pieri (ICG, Portsmouth)


We present results from stacking Lyα forest absorbers in the BOSS sample to achieve a variety of goals. Chief among them is the measurement of metals in the intergalactic medium (IGM) associated with the forest using various transitions, including several elements and species only seen using this technique. Metals in the IGM provide a valuable tracer of mechanical feedback - a crucial component of our understanding of galaxy formation and evolution. Surveys of galaxies with low transverse separation from quasar lines of sight and simulations allows us to make inferences on the nature of these absorbers.

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