24-28 June 2013
Royal Observatory, Edinburgh
Europe/London timezone

The effect of fluctuations on the helium-ionizing background

25 Jun 2013, 12:30
Lecture Theatre (Royal Observatory, Edinburgh)

Lecture Theatre

Royal Observatory, Edinburgh

Blackford Hill Edinburgh
Contributed Talk Helium in the IGM


Mr Frederick Davies (UCLA)


The standard cosmological radiative transfer method used to estimate the He II ionizing background assumes a uniform radiation field despite the discrete nature of the (rare) bright quasars that dominate the background. We estimate, for the first time, the effects of fluctuations on the evolving continuum opacity in two ways: by incorporating the complete distribution of ionizing background amplitudes into the standard approach, and by explicitly treating the quasars as discrete -- but isolated -- sources. Our model results in a He II ionization rate that evolves steeply with redshift, which causes rapid evolution in the mean He II optical depth -- as recently observed -- without appealing to the reionization of He II. The observed behavior could instead result from rapid evolution in the mean free path of ionizing photons as the helium in higher column density H I absorbers becomes fully ionized.

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