8 September 2016
James Clerk Maxwell Building, The King's Building
Europe/London timezone

Measuring non-Gaussianity in galaxy surveys: a new window on the Universe

8 Sept 2016, 12:45
1h 15m
Lecture Theatre A (James Clerk Maxwell Building, The King's Building)

Lecture Theatre A

James Clerk Maxwell Building, The King's Building

Peter Guthrie Tait Road Edinburgh EH9 3FD United Kingdom


Prof. Paul Shellard (University of Cambridge)


We apply highly efficient modal methods (developed during the Planck analysis) to large-scale structure distributions in order to optimally evaluate the bispectrum in three dimensions. Currently, deployed on dark matter distributions from N-body codes, this tool is intended for estimating higher-order correlation functions from huge galaxy surveys like Euclid.

Primary author

Prof. Paul Shellard (University of Cambridge)

Presentation materials

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