8 September 2016
James Clerk Maxwell Building, The King's Building
Europe/London timezone

Semileptonic B_c decays from full lattice QCD

Not scheduled
Lecture Theatre A (James Clerk Maxwell Building, The King's Building)

Lecture Theatre A

James Clerk Maxwell Building, The King's Building

Peter Guthrie Tait Road Edinburgh EH9 3FD United Kingdom


Dr Andrew Lytle (University of Glasgow)


We present lattice QCD results for semileptonic form factors of the decays B_c -> eta_c l v and B_c -> Jpsi l v over the full q^2 range, using both improved non-relativistic QCD (NRQCD) and fully relativistic (HISQ) formalisms. These can be viewed as prototype calculations for pseudoscalar to pseudoscalar and pseudoscalar to vector decays involving a b -> c transition. In particular we can use information from the relativistic computations to fix the NRQCD current normalisations, which can then be used in improved computations of decays such as B -> D l v and B -> D^* l v.

Primary author

Dr Andrew Lytle (University of Glasgow)

Presentation materials

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