Secular evolution of self-gravitating systems

4305 (HC Seminar Room)


HC Seminar Room

The Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics School of Physics and Astronomy James Clerk Maxwell Building, 4305 Peter Guthrie Tait Road Edinburgh EH9 3FD UK

Self-gravitating systems -- such as star clusters, stellar discs, and dark matter halos -- are rich with dynamical phenomena. They exhibit both resonant (long-range) and non-resonant (short-range) dynamics, with unclear transition regimes. The coupling of linear response theory, kinetic theory, quasilinear theory, and N-body approaches for studying self-gravitating systems is now within reach, owing to recent theoretical breakthroughs. This workshop will bring together dynamicists with expertise in all these areas for a direct comparison of techniques.

Secular evolution of self-gravitating systems
  • Alex Schekochihin
  • Althea Lai
  • Aneesh Naik
  • Anna Lisa Varri
  • Avery Meiksin
  • Barnabas Deme
  • Bruno Marcos
  • Chris Hamilton
  • Christophe pichon
  • Douglas Heggie
  • Eugene Vasiliev
  • Jacob Page
  • Jean-Baptiste FOUVRY
  • Jihad Touma
  • John Magorrian
  • Jorge Penarrubia
  • Ken Rice
  • Kerwann Tep
  • Martin Weinberg
  • Mathieu Roule
  • Michael Petersen
  • Pierre-Henri Chavanis
  • Rashid Yaaqib
  • Robert Ewart
  • Samuel Bonsor
  • Simon Rozier
  • Sofia Flores Morales
  • Sven De Rijcke
  • Tobias Heinemann
  • zephyr penoyre
  • Zhenyu Wu
    • Welcome

      Wrap-up, summary, led by Mike Petersen

    • Linear Response Theory

      Small group discussions

    • 11:00
      Coffee Break
    • Linear Response Theory

      Small group discussions

    • 13:00
    • Kinetic Theory

      Discussion led by Eugene Vasiliev and Anna Lisa Varri

    • 15:00
      Coffee Break
    • Kinetic Theory

      Small group discussions

    • Quasilinear Theory

      Discussion led by Chris Hamilton

    • 11:00
      Coffee Break
    • Quasilinear Theory

      Discussion led by Chris Hamilton

    • 13:00
    • Non-resonant vs resonant dynamics

      Discussion led by Mathieu Roule

    • 15:00
      Coffee Break
    • Non-resonant vs resonant dynamics

      Discussion led by Mathieu Roule

    • Comparing theory and simulations

      Discussion led by Mike Petersen

    • 11:00
      Coffee Break
    • Comparing theory and simulations

      Discussion led by Mike Petersen

    • 13:00
    • Potential Fluctuation Theory

      Small group discussions

    • 15:00
      Coffee Break
    • Potential Fluctuation Theory

      Small group discussions

    • Welcome: Conclusion

      Wrap-up, summary, led by Mike Petersen