11–13 Sept 2023
CSEC, James Clerk Maxwell Building, Edinburgh (UK)
Europe/London timezone

Understanding the Chemical Abundance Patterns of nearby Star-Forming Galaxies with CLASSY

12 Sept 2023, 12:15
CSEC Board Room (CSEC, James Clerk Maxwell Building, Edinburgh (UK))

CSEC Board Room

CSEC, James Clerk Maxwell Building, Edinburgh (UK)

Kings Buildings Campus, Peter Guthrie Tait Road, Edinburgh EH9 3FD


Karla Ziboney Arellano-Cordova (University of Edinburgh)


Nebular emission lines are a powerful diagnostic tool for tracing the chemical evolution in star-forming galaxies (SFGs) across cosmic time. The COS Legacy Spectroscopy SurveY (CLASSY) is a treasury survey that comprises UV+optical spectra of 45 local SFGs covering a broad range of physical properties in terms of gas-phase metallicity, ionization parameter, star-formation rate, and stellar mass. In this study, we present an analysis of the abundance patterns of N/O, Ne/O, Cl/O, S/O, and Ar/O vs. O/H and their relationship with different galaxy properties (e.g., stellar mass and star-formation rate). We found that such abundance ratios show a constant trend with O/H as expected, except for Ne/O and Ar/O at high metallicities. We discuss the scatter involved in the N/O versus O/H relation and its connection with the different UV+optical observables. Finally, we compare the abundance patterns of CLASSY with the results of z > 6 galaxies observed with the JWST.

Primary authors

Karla Ziboney Arellano-Cordova (University of Edinburgh) Danielle Berg Matilde Mingozzi Bethan James Fergus Cullen The CLASSY team

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