11–13 Sept 2023
CSEC, James Clerk Maxwell Building, Edinburgh (UK)
Europe/London timezone

Metallicities from nearby galaxies to the First galaxies

12 Sept 2023, 11:55
CSEC Board Room (CSEC, James Clerk Maxwell Building, Edinburgh (UK))

CSEC Board Room

CSEC, James Clerk Maxwell Building, Edinburgh (UK)

Kings Buildings Campus, Peter Guthrie Tait Road, Edinburgh EH9 3FD


Ms Dyna Ibrahim (University of Hertfordshire )


Metallicity is a fundamental physical property that strongly constrains galaxy formation and evolution. The formation of stars in galaxies is highly impacted by metal production and energy release from supernova explosions, which suppresses star formation by generating outflows and evaporating star-forming clouds. However, this process - supernova feedback - is uncertain. We thus include different feedback methods and parameters by ejecting energy in thermal, kinetic, stochastic and mechanical forms into our state-of-the-art cosmological simulations. Our code (based on Gadget-3) includes the latest nucleosynthesis yields for all stellar mass ranges, Type Ia supernovae, and also the First stars so that our predicted abundances are comparable to the observations of the First galaxies. For each feedback scheme, we predict the evolution of stellar mass-metallicity relations for stars and interstellar medium. We aim to constrain the feedback method by comparing it with observational data from the James Web Space Telescope (JWST).

Primary author

Ms Dyna Ibrahim (University of Hertfordshire )

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