Stellar abundances and nucleosynthetic sources
- Alison Laird
Hot subdwarfs are small, blue stars with unusual surface chemistries. Some have almost no hydrogen, and many have elevated heavy metal abundances. They are thought to form through binary interaction, with different formation channels enriching the end products with different species. I will describe helium-rich hot subdwarfs formed through white dwarf collision, which leads to nitrogen or...
We present the results of the first-ever direct measurement of the bound-state beta decay [1] of $^{205}$Tl$^{81+}$ ions, an exotic decay mode where an electron is directly created in one of the empty atomic orbitals instead of being emitted into the continuum. One of the most awaited and pioneering experiments was realized in the spring beamtime at GSI, Darmstadt in 2020, wherein the entire...
Several enigmatic questions have come up on the formation and chemical evolution of the Milky Way over the last decade. The detailed chemical abundances of the old, long-lived, metal-poor halo stars provide insights into the nature of the early chemical enrichment events leading to the formation of the metals as we see them now in the universe. In this talk, I will present a study on the...
Massive stars are progenitors of neutron stars and black holes, and through their winds and supernova explosions dictate the chemical and energetic feedback of galaxies. During the hydrogen-core burning phase the convective cores of massive stars act as engines that drive stellar evolution, but inferences of core masses are subject to unconstrained boundary mixing processes. Moreover,...