- Marialuisa Aliotta
In the iMaNGA project we use a forward-modelling approach to directly compare predictions from hydro-dynamical cosmological simulations of galaxy formation with observations. We introduce a method to generate mock SDSS-IV/MaNGA integral-field spectroscopic galaxy observations from the simulations focusing on IllustrisTNG and TNG50. We generate a theoretical catalogue of 1,500 mock MaNGA...
The cosmic production of the short-lived radioactive nuclide $^{26}$Al is crucial for our understanding of the evolution of stars and galaxies. However, simulations of the stellar sites producing $^{26}$Al are still weakened by significant nuclear uncertainties. We re-evaluate the $^{26}$Al(n, p)$^{26}$Mg and $^{26}$Al(n, $\alpha$)$^{23}$Na ground state reactivities from 0.01 GK to 10 GK,...
Neutrons are naturally produced here on earth and in stellar environments through $(\alpha,n)$ reactions. During helium burning in massive stars, the slow neutron capture process ($s$-process) is fueled by $(\alpha,n)$ reactions on light nuclei like $^{13}$C and $^{22}$Ne, and may also be influenced by reactions on $^{17,18}$O and $^{25,26}$Mg. Here on earth, radioactive decays from long-lived...
Neutron-capture nucleosynthesis occurs via a variety of processes depending on the astrophysical sites and conditions. Recent observations and stellar evolution models of carbonenhanced metal poor stars (CEMP) and Rapidly Accreting White Dwarf stars (RAWDs) suggest that an intermediate process, known as the i-process, exists between the traditional s- and r-processes, and is necessary to...