4–5 Jun 2024
50 George Square
Europe/London timezone

Variational learning: Anatomy of an algorithm

5 Jun 2024, 10:00
G.03 (Bayes Centre)


Bayes Centre

47 Potterow, Edinburgh, EH8 9BT


Henri Kauhanen (University of Konstanz)


Two decades after its introduction, the variational learner (Yang 2002) forms an essential part of the mathematically-minded diachronist's toolkit. This model of language acquisition, together with its inter-generational predictions about language change, has been applied to a wide array of phenomena ranging from word order change to morphological simplification. I begin this talk by reviewing the fundamental properties of variational learning, as traditionally understood. I then move on to discuss two extensions of the basic model: multi-population and multi-grammar variational learning dynamics, including an application to sociolinguistic typology. As a positive formal contribution, I present a sufficient condition for the global asymptotic dominance of a single grammar in multi-grammar competition.

Primary author

Henri Kauhanen (University of Konstanz)

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