20 September 2019
Playfair Library
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Higgs Phenomenology: Opportunities for New Physics

20 Sept 2019, 16:45
Playfair Library

Playfair Library

Old College, University of Edinburgh


Christoph Englert (Glasgow)


With the Higgs boson’s discovery in 2012, the last missing piece of the Standard Model was found. All pieces of the puzzle seem to fit nicely with our theoretical paradigm (the so-called Standard Model of Particle Physics) that has withstood experimental scrutiny over the past decades. But something is rotten in the state of Particle Physics. The Standard Model while in astounding agreement with measurements so far, falls short on very fundamental questions such as the apparent presence of dark matter or the overabundance of matter compared to anti-matter in the Universe. In parallel, there are rather too many theoretical warning signs for comfort with the Standard Model. In this talk, I will show how Higgs physics provides a historic and unique opportunity to revolutionise our microscopic understanding of nature in ways comparable to the introduction of Quantum Mechanics of the early 20th century while delivering solutions to the open questions of Particle Physics.

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