Connection information

NB: while anyone is free to test their connection prior to the workshop, this is only a requirement for remote-only attendees


Required software

  • A modern web browser
  • The latest version of zoom
  • Slack (alternatively this can be used in most modern web browsers)



We use Zoom for dialling into each session so that you can see and listen to the lectures and tutorials and also communicate with the lecturers/tutors.  We will send the zoom connection details to you via email.



Slack is our second means of communication during the workshop.  It provides a means of asking quick questions, asking for help and getting quick feedback from the lecturers/tutors.  We will send the slack invite details to you via email.


Server Connection Overview

All hands-on work will be done on a server hosted at the University of Edinburgh.  There are a few ways to connect to the server but we highly recommend using the browser-based guacamole service connected to a VNC server per user (connection instructions are below).  

It is also possible to connect via ssh, coupled with port forwarding to a local VNC client but we will not be providing instructions for this method due to the uniqueness of every individuals setup.  Note: if you're going to attempt this way, you --need-- some kind of VNC connection to a local client as the tutorials rely on a lot of GUIs.

All login information will be sent in an email to you.


Server Connection Via Guacamole

  1. Follow this link to the guacamole login (if you're on eduroam click here )
  2. Enter your login/password.  Hopefully you see something that looks like computer GUI
  3. Check that you can open a terminal by clicking 'Applications -> Terminal Emulator'
  4. Everything is working!
  5. Close the browser window.  Do not logout using the the GUI menu

If you have any issues connecting then please visit the #connection_debugging channel in the workshop slack before the workshop starts.