27–30 Jun 2016
Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics
Europe/London timezone

Direct test of the gauge/gravity duality for the D0-brane system at finite N

29 Jun 2016, 10:00
Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics

Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics

School of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Edinburgh, Peter Guthrie Tait Road, Edinburgh EH9 3FD, United Kingdom


Jun Nishimura


We test the gauge/gravity duality conjecture directly by using Monte Carlo methods to study the strongly coupled regime of the relevant gauge theory. In particular, we focus on the D0-brane system, which is described by a one-dimensional gauge theory with 16 supercharges. Extending our previous work, which confirmed the duality in the large-N limit, we investigate whether the duality holds including the 1/N corrections. On the gravity side, this corresponds to including the quantum string loop corrections. The bound state of black 0-branes becomes meta-stable due to such effects as indicated by the negative specific heat at low temperature. The meta-stability shows up also on the gauge theory side due to the flat directions of the scalar field potential. Introducing a cutoff on the value of the scalar fields and investigating the cutoff dependence carefully, we extract the internal energy of the metastable bound state as a function of temperature. The results thus obtained turn out to be consistent with the predition from the gravity side including the leading quantum string loop corrections calculated recently.

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