Going beyond redshift-space distortions with the streaming model (Dam)

5 Jun 2024, 16:00



There are several effects which distort the observed clustering of galaxies. By far the best known are redshift-space distortions. In this talk I will discuss another, more subtle effect - the effect of gravitational redshift on large-scale structure. The impact of this non-kinematic effect is suppressed relative to RSD in the auto-correlations and is best probed in the odd multipoles of the cross-correlation function between two tracers. Here the dipole has emerged as the best prospect for detecting the gravitational redshift. But recent work has shown that the strongest detection will likely be from mildly nonlinear scales, presenting a modelling challenge. In this talk I will describe recent modelling efforts. In particular, I will show how to generalise the workhorse streaming model to include in the nonlinear regime not only the gravitational redshift but several other important effects (wide-angle effects, magnification bias, projection effects, etc).

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