Theoretical Modeling of Large-Scale Structure of the Universe


June 3-5 Workshop at The Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics, Edinburgh, UK

Several surveys of the large-scale structure of the Universe are currently underway, which significantly improve the quality and amount of cosmological data. These include the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI, halfway through), Euclid (starting to take data), Dark Energy Survey (DES, doing final analyses), HSC (data taking complete), PFS (commissioning), and SKA, with many others starting in the near future, including Rubin, SPHEREx and Roman.  Analogous advances are occurring in surveys of the Cosmic Microwave Background. These surveys will deliver more precise measurements and more statistics. Thus it is critical for the theoretical methods – developed and utilized for the pathfinder experiments – to be extended in precision and applicability.

Perturbation theory and other field theoretical methods provide a controlled way to estimate observational consequences of cosmological theories of structure formation and have come into their own with the large volume surveys in hand and underway, playing a key role in interpreting measurements from observational surveys. They have been used, for instance, in deriving constraints on cosmological parameters such as the average properties of the universe, particle content of the universe, and properties of gravity. These approaches and related methods for describing large-scale structures provide informative descriptions of observed phenomena, aid in developing physical intuition, and can be combined with simulations to extend their reach. As the quality and amount of cosmological data improve, current analytical models can and should be improved alongside, in order to take full advantage of observational advances.

This workshop, June 3-5 at the Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics, at the University of Edinburgh, aims to bring together those working on these modeling approaches from all over the world, to critically evaluate, collaborate and improve upon the current state-of-the-art, in order to be ready for the rich data now becoming available.

The schedule is here.

Registration fee: £200 (£100 for students)

Payment information will be provided upon registration, along with the sign up for the Tuesday dinner (estimated to be £50 a person).

Space is limited.  The deadline for full consideration for talks was March 1. Late registrations will be considered based upon availability.

Some childcare grants are available and some limited funding may be available for those needing assistance in order to attend, please try to contact us at by March 1, 2024 for this.

Please contact for further information.

Organizing Committee:

  • Sam Brieden
  • Florian Beutler
  • Yan-Chuan Cai
  • Pedro Carrilho
  • Joanne Cohn
  • Richard Neveux
  • John Peacock
  • Marcos Pellejero
  • Alkistis Pourtsidou
  • Martin White

Plus Angela Muir & Emma Johnston


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  • Alejandro Aviles
  • Alex Hall
  • Amelie Read
  • Anton Baleato Lizancos
  • Aoibhinn Gallagher
  • Avery Meiksin
  • Benjamin Hertzsch
  • Dakshesh Kololgi
  • Dennis Linde
  • Douglas Scott
  • Drew Jamieson
  • Elizabeth Gould
  • Emanuele Castorina
  • Farnik Nikakhtar
  • Finn Roper
  • Francisco Maion
  • Guido D'Amico
  • Henrique Rubira
  • Jade Piat
  • Jahmour Givans
  • Jamie Sullivan
  • Joachim Harnois-Deraps
  • Joanne Cohn
  • Job Feldbrugge
  • John Peacock
  • Jonah Conley
  • Julia Stadler
  • Julien Lesgourgues
  • Kazuyuki Akitsu
  • Lawrence Dam
  • Longlong Feng
  • Mae Rodriguez
  • Marcello Musso
  • Marcos Pellejero
  • Maria Tsedrik
  • Martin White
  • Matteo Zennaro
  • Mike Shengbo Wang
  • Mikhail Ivanov
  • Nickolas Kokron
  • Oliver Hahn
  • Oliver Philcox
  • Pedro Carrilho
  • Pierre Zhang
  • Richard Neveux
  • Riya Raizada
  • Rodrigo Voivodic
  • Shi-Fan Chen
  • Takahiko Matsubara
  • Thiago Mergulhao
  • Yan-Chuan Cai
  • Yaniv Donath
  • Yat Wong
  • Yin-Zhe Ma
    • 08:45 09:15
      Registration (Royal Observatory of Edinburgh, Reception): Registration and badge pick-up (Reception, Royal Observatory of Edinburgh)

      Please check in at reception and pick up badge. The lecture hall is about a 5 minute walk up the hill, so please try to allow time for that.

    • 09:15 09:30
      Welcome (Peacock) Talks are 20 min+10 for questions or 12 min+5 for questions

      Talks are 20 min+10 for questions or 12 min+5 for questions

    • 09:30 10:30
      EFT of LSS Lecture Theatre

      Lecture Theatre

      • 09:30
        EFT of LSS (D'Amico) 30m Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

      • 10:00
        EFT of LSS (Zhang) 30m Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

    • 10:30 11:00
      Break 30m
    • 11:00 12:30
      EFT of LSS Lecture Theatre

      Lecture Theatre

      • 11:00
        Integrated perturbation theory for scalar and tensor fields (Matsubara) 30m Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

      • 11:30
        Intrinsic alignments (Kokron) 30m Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

      • 12:00
        The bispectrum in LPT (Chen) 30m Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

    • 12:30 13:30
      Lunch 1h
    • 13:30 14:00
      EFT of LSS Lecture Theatre

      Lecture Theatre

      • 13:30
        Galaxy bias renormalization group (Rubira) 30m Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        The effective field theory of large-scale structure allows for a consistent perturbative bias expansion of the rest-frame galaxy density field. In this work, we present a systematic approach to renormalize galaxy bias parameters using a finite cutoff scale Λ. We derive the differential equations of the Wilson-Polchinski renormalization group that describe the evolution of the finite-scale bias parameters with Λ, analogous to the β-function running in QFT. We further provide the connection between the finite-cutoff scheme and the renormalization procedure for n-point functions that has been used as standard in the literature so far; some inconsistencies in the treatment of renormalized bias in current EFT analyses are pointed out as well. The fixed-cutoff scheme allows us to predict, in a principled way, the finite part of loop contributions which is due to perturbative modes and which, in the standard renormalization approach, is absorbed into counterterms. We expect that this will allow for the robust extraction of (a yet-to-be-determined amount of) additional cosmological information from galaxy clustering, both when using field-level techniques and n-point functions.

    • 14:00 14:30
      Panel led discussion: New domains for Perturbation Theory 30m Lecture Theatre

      Lecture Theatre

      Castorina (moderator): Akitsu, Chen, Ivanov, Matsubara

    • 14:30 15:00
      field theory of cosmic structures Lecture Theatre

      Lecture Theatre

      • 14:30
        Optimal Transport Reconstruction of Large Scale Structures (Nikakhtar) 30m Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        One fundamental question in the physics of large-scale structures is how we can trace back the evolution of cosmic structures and reconstruct the initial density field. The universe we observe today is dotted with galaxy clusters separated by vast voids, in sharp contrast to its initial state, which was nearly uniform with only minor density fluctuations. The evolution from this early uniformity to today's complex structure of galaxies is a profound transformation, with many intermediate processes still unexplained. This talk focuses on this transformation, aiming to reconstruct both the initial density and the displacement fields of galaxies observed in spectroscopic surveys. I will discuss a new reconstruction algorithm based on optimal transport theory that depends weakly, if at all, on a cosmological model. This theory deals with moving objects from one place to another while conserving mass and minimizing effort. In a cosmological context, it involves mapping the observed galaxy distribution back to its initial uniform state, minimizing the displacement of galaxies. In this framework, we are able to reconstruct the position and shape of biased tracers in Lagrangian space, in addition to the displacement field, which can be used to reconstruct the initial overdensity fluctuation field

    • 15:00 15:30
      Break 30m
    • 15:30 16:30
      field theory of cosmic structures Lecture Theatre

      Lecture Theatre

      • 15:30
        What makes a filament? (Feldbrugge) 30m Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        The cosmic web is the largest geometric structure in our universe, consisting of an intricate network of empty voids bounded by thin walls, elongated filaments, and dense clusters. Given the array of upcoming cosmological redshift surveys, new analytic tools are needed to study the formation of the various structures, quantify the geometry and topology, and isolate the elements of the cosmic web. New techniques might, for example, help to understand the link between the properties of galaxies and their placement in the large-scale structure. In this talk, I will present my recent developments in the study of the caustic skeleton of the cosmic web. By tracing the phase-space structure of the dark matter sheet, I identify the relevant caustics and illustrate their role in the cosmic web. I will propose a new definition of the filamentary structure of the large-scale structure in terms of the initial density fluctuations. This definition is based on the dynamics of the formation history and will help the systematic study of the properties and interplay of filaments, and their influence on the embedded galaxies.

      • 16:00
        The energy principle for the shape of protohaloes (Musso) 30m Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        Analytical models of structure formation routinely assume that dark matter halos form from peaks of the initial density field, smoothed with some spherically symmetric filter. This works reasonably well for identifying the center of mass of protohaloes, but gives no information about their shapes. To provide a more realistic description of protohalo boundaries, one must go beyond the spherical picture. I suggest that this can be done with a simple variational principle, solving for shapes of fixed given mass that minimize the enclosed potential energy. Such regions are delimited by isosurfaces of (a slightly modified version of) the gravitational potential.

    • 16:30 17:00
    • 17:00 18:00
      reception 1h
    • 09:00 10:34
      Simulations and theory interplay Lecture Theatre

      Lecture Theatre

      • 09:00
        Fast numerical methods for cosmological inference from LSS (Hahn) 30m Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

      • 09:30
        Hermes - Towards an Ultimate High-Performance Algorithm for Cosmic Statistics of Large Data Sets (Feng) 17m Lecture Theatre, 12 min + 5 discussion

        Lecture Theatre, 12 min + 5 discussion

        Motivated by demanding a fast algorithm of cosmic statistics to tackle extremely large data sets from ongoing and upcoming galaxy surveys, we make the first release of Hermes (HypER-speed MultirEsolution cosmic Statistics), an open-source parallel/GPU-accelerated Python package. The core algorithm implemented in the Hermes Python package is based on the MRA-CS (MultiResolution Analysis - Cosmic Statistics) scheme. This talk is to present a brief description of core algorithm of Hermes, demonstrate its performances and numerical tests,and give an outlook of its wide applications in extracting cosmological information in upcoming galaxy surveys.

      • 09:47
        CLASS-OneLoop: Presentation and mock data analysis (Linde) 30m Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        We present CLASS-OneLoop, a numerical tool fully integrated into the Boltzmann code CLASS, enabling the calculation of the one-loop power spectrum of biased tracers in redshift space following the EFTofLSS. We first summarise the theoretical modelling and the expansion formalism used in the code. We then show that an MCMC fit to spectrum wedges measured from the AbacusSummit suite with CLASS-OneLoop retrieves the cosmological parameters without any bias with our modelling and analysis choices. Finally, we show the results of an MCMC forecast based on Stage-IV-like mock data and likelihood. We find that we can measure simultaneously at least 29 cosmological and nuisance parameters.

      • 10:17
        CLASS-OneLoop: Numerical Implementation and Outlook (Lesgourgues) 17m Lecture Theatre, 12 min + 5 discussion

        Lecture Theatre, 12 min + 5 discussion

        In this follow-up talk, we provide details on the CLASS-OneLoop module: overall structure, input options, estimated accuracy, validation against CLASS-PT, algorithms and strategies for efficient loop integrals, and overall performances.

    • 10:34 11:04
      Break 30m
    • 11:04 12:38
      Simulations and theory interplay Lecture Theatre

      Lecture Theatre

      • 11:04
        Predicting non-linear effects in matter clustering from changes in cosmology and baryons using multi-fidelity simulations (Conley) 17m Lecture Theatre, 12 min + 5 discussion

        Lecture Theatre, 12 min + 5 discussion

        Cosmological simulations provide a powerful framework for investigating the non-linear growth and evolution of large-scale structure (LSS) in the Universe. This research addresses the challenges of understanding how large scale structure is affected by both cosmology and astrophysics with the aim of making precise predictions of observables such as the cosmic shear and galaxy clustering for the next generation of surveys such as LSST and Euclid. We present the development and initial results of a Gaussian Process emulator, trained on 150 N-body simulations, similar in design to the FLAMINGO and BAHAMAS simulations. This emulator, part of a FLAMINGO sister project, accommodates different particle resolutions, capturing both large- and small-scale clustering. The emulator will be able to make predictions for the matter power spectrum for models that vary in baryonic feedback, and extensions to the ΛCDM standard model, such as massive neutrinos, dynamical dark energy, and running of the spectral index.

      • 11:21
        The “Missing baryons” in the cosmic web—what is it? Where is it? How much? (Ma) 17m Lecture Theatre, 12 min + 5 discussion

        Lecture Theatre, 12 min + 5 discussion

        Previous studies of galaxy formation have shown that only 10 per cent of the cosmic baryons are in stars and galaxies, while 90 per cent of them are missing. In this talk, I will present three observational studies that coherently find significant evidences of the missing baryons. The first is the cross-correlation between the kinetic Sunyaev-Zeldovich maps from Planck with the linear reconstructed velocity field. The second measurement is the cross-correlation between the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect with gravitational lensing map and we detect the cross-correlation for 13 sigma with RCSLenS and Planck data. The third study is to stack the pairs of luminous red galaxies and subtract the halo contribution, which leads to the detection of gas within the cosmic filaments. These detections coherently brings a picture of how baryons distribute in the cosmic web. I will briefly describe how these studies can be improved with future CMB-S4 and LSST observation data.

      • 11:38
        Hybrid Lagrangian models (Zennaro) 30m Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        Emulators are becoming increasingly important in performing Bayesian inference for current and upcoming cosmological surveys. I will discuss the hybrid Lagrangian bias expansion model in real space, a nonlinear bias model able to describe galaxy clustering to very small scales (~0.7 h/Mpc) and its corresponding emulator implementation in the emulation suite baccoemu. I will also quickly review the tools baccoemu provides for describing the matter power spectrum in the presence of baryons down to k=10 h/Mpc. The combination of the real space galaxy clustering model and matter power spectrum model represents an essential tool for 3x2point analysis of upcoming weak lensing surveys.

      • 12:08
        HYMALAIA: A Hybrid Lagrangian Model for Intrinsic Alignments (Maion) 30m Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        The intrinsic alignment of galaxies is an important ingredient for modelling weak-lensing measurements, and a potentially valuable cosmological and astrophysical signal. In this talk, I will present HYMALAIA: a new model to predict the intrinsic alignments of biased tracers. HYMALAIA is based on a perturbative expansion of the statistics of the Lagrangian shapes of objects, which is then advected to Eulerian space using the fully non-linear displacement field obtained from N-body simulations. We demonstrate that HYMALAIA is capable of consistently describing monopole and quadrupole of halo shape-shape and matter-shape correlators, and that, without increasing the number of free parameters, it does so more accurately than other perturbatively inspired models such as the non-linear alignment (NLA) model and the tidal-alignment-tidal-torquing (TATT) model.

    • 12:38 13:38
      Lunch 1h
    • 13:38 14:55
      Simulations and theory interplay Lecture Theatre

      Lecture Theatre

      • 13:38
        Extending Hybrid Models of structure formation (Pellejero) 30m Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        Hybrid models use the displacement field generated by N-body simulations to precisely forecast structure formation. The distribution of galaxies is then computed employing a bias expansion technique rooted in the symmetries of galaxy formation physics. This methodology has demonstrated its ability to yield unbiased cosmological constraints across various investigations. Nonetheless, it confronts several theoretical challenges. Firstly, extending it to accommodate Redshift Space Distortions proves non-trivial due to the considerable scatter in velocities derived from N-body particles. Secondly, it lacks perturbative control, as there is no guarantee that higher-order terms in the bias expansion are suppressed relative to lower-order terms. This presentation will address these challenges and explore potential solutions.

      • 14:08
        Field-level emulation of cosmic structure formation with styled neural networks (Jamieson) 17m Lecture Theatre, 12 min + 5 discussion

        Lecture Theatre, 12 min + 5 discussion

        Surveying the large-scale structure of the universe will yield an enormous amount of high-quality data for constraining cosmology and potentially detecting new physics. Extracting the maximum amount of information from this dataset and using it to its full potential requires fast and accurate cosmic structure formation simulations. N-body simulations deliver a high level of accuracy but are too slow to use directly for inference. In this talk, I will present a new field-level emulator for cosmic structure, designed to map the linear perturbations of the early universe to the nonlinear outcomes of cosmological N-body evolution. The emulator is a convolutional neural network augmented with style parameters that capture cosmology and redshift dependence. The redshift dependence makes time derivatives, or velocities, directly available through autodifferentiation during training. We train the emulator on the full phase-space distribution of the N-body particles using a suite of simulations spanning a wide range of cosmologies and redshifts. This approach achieves percent-level accuracy down to nonlinear scales of ~ 1 Mpc/h and can efficiently generate accurate mock catalogues and carry out field-level inference. Applications for cosmological parameter inference, and initial conditions inference will also be presented.

      • 14:25
        Perturbative Forward-Modeling of Large-Scale Structure for Field-Level Analysis and Beyond (Stadler) 30m Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        The forthcoming high-quality data from the next generation of galaxy surveys promises powerful new tests of cosmology. However, fully realizing this potential poses new challenges in theoretical modeling and analysis. Novel analysis techniques are required to maximize the cosmological information extracted from the data while remaining robust to theoretical uncertainties in the small-scale processes of galaxy formation. This talk introduces perturbative forward-modeling of the large-scale galaxy density with LEFTfield. Such a differentiable forward model enables the analysis of galaxy clustering at the level of density fields. Forgoing the compression of the data into summary statistics, field-level analysis can maximize the extracted cosmological information and provide insights into the initial conditions and the structure formation history over the survey volume. The perturbative approach, particularly the description of galaxy bias with the Effective Field Theory of Large-Scale Structure (EFTofLSS), allows for robust marginalization over theoretical uncertainties. Moreover, forward-modeling the process of structure allows for the self-consistent incorporation of many observational and systematic effects, with redshift-space distortions being one concrete example. Finally, the talk will outline forthcoming challenges and highlight some recent applications of LEFTfield.

    • 14:55 15:30
      Break 35m
    • 15:30 16:00
      Simulations and theory interplay Lecture Theatre

      Lecture Theatre

      • 15:30
        How much information is left in galaxy clustering beyond the power spectrum? (Akitsu) 30m Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        I will talk about the field-level inference of galaxy clustering with perturbative forward modeling, focusing on the information content beyond the power spectrum. I may also discuss the equivalence (and possible difference) of biasing scheme in the polyspectra and the field-level.

    • 16:00 16:30
      Panel led discussion: Simulations and theory 30m Lecture Theatre

      Lecture Theatre

      Peacock (moderator): Conley, Hall, Kokron, Pellejero, Stadler

    • 16:30 17:00
      Panel led discussion: Status of numerical implementations of PT – What’s “done”? What are their strengths? What’s missing? 30m Lecture Theatre

      Lecture Theatre

      Neveux (moderator): Aviles, D'Amico or Zhang, Lesgourgues, Philcox, Zennaro

    • 20:00 21:30
      Conference dinner 1h 30m

      Howie's restaurant
      29 Waterloo Pl, Edinburgh EH1 3BQ,

    • 09:00 10:30
      Theory to observation Lecture Theatre

      Lecture Theatre

      • 09:00
        Building the EFT of LSS beyond the standard model (Castorina) 30m Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        Any new dynamics at low-redshift must be properly included in the perturbative solutions of the matter fields and in galaxy bias. In this talk, I will give some examples of how new physics in the dark matter sector changes the structure of the perturbative kernels, introduce new counterterms in the EFT and new galaxy bias parameters.

      • 09:30
        Large scale structure formation in theories with scale dependent linear growth (Aviles) 30m Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        In this talk, I will present recent developments in perturbation theory regarding the study of the large-scale clustering of galaxies in theories with scale-dependent linear growth, such as those involving massive neutrinos and modified gravity. The challenge in these models is that the introduced scale is incorporated into the perturbative kernels. We utilize the Lagrangian approach to compute these kernels and then map them to the Eulerian frame to obtain the power spectrum. Unfortunately, our method for computing statistics is quite slow. Therefore, we simplify the modified kernels by retaining only the terms that contain the scale-dependent growth factor. This approach enables us to estimate parameters from BOSS data using standard MCMC methods.

      • 10:00
        Issues for perturbative methods at higher redshift (White) 30m Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

    • 10:30 11:00
      Break 30m
    • 11:00 12:30
      Theory to observation Lecture Theatre

      Lecture Theatre

      • 11:00
        New tests of dark matter and inflation with BOSS using perturbation theory (Ivanov) 30m Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

      • 11:30
        PNG in LSS modeling and analyses (Philcox) 30m Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

      • 12:00
        Field level bias modeling, assembly bias, and primordial non-Gaussianity (Sullivan) 30m Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        Local Primordial non-Gaussianity (PNG) will be a primary science target for galaxy clustering analyses using SPHEREx, DESI, and Euclid data. Maximally extracting information about the amplitude of PNG (f_{NL}) will require knowledge of galaxy formation physics, which can robustly be embedded in the values of bias parameters in large-scale perturbative models. I will describe several theoretical developments related to PNG bias, including: field-level measurements of PNG bias in simulations, the origin of PNG assembly bias in Lagrangian bias models, and the relationship between PNG bias and (relativistic) evolution bias in simulations. These insights have the potential to be especially relevant for improving the amount of cosmological information extracted from current and future large-scale structure surveys with perturbative models.

    • 12:30 13:30
      Lunch 1h
    • 13:30 14:00
      Panel led discussion: "Limits of pt, setting external priors, setting k_NL, how to squeeze info from LSS on small scales" 30m Lecture Theatre

      Lecture Theatre

      Carrilho (moderator), D'Amico or Zhang, Tsedrik, Sullivan

    • 14:00 15:00
      Observational steps Lecture theatre until 3 pm, then Canteen

      Lecture theatre until 3 pm, then Canteen

      • 14:00
        Emission line galaxies: local PNG bias (Desjacques) 30m Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

      • 14:30
        Tomographic analysis with the weak lensing convergence one-point statistics (Castiblanco, presented by Harnois-Deraps) 30m Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

        The weak lensing convergence probability distribution function (PDF) has proven to contain valuable information for improving the constraints on cosmological parameters. The convergence PDF can be easily measured from simulated and observed mass maps and can be modelled with high accuracy on mildly non-linear scales. In this work we investigate the constraining power of the convergence PDF when adding tomography using Euclid-like source galaxy redshift bins and including shape noise. We cross-validate the predicted and the measured convergence PDF derived from convergence maps reconstructed using shear catalogues from an N-body simulation. Employing a Fisher forecast, we determine the constraining power for (\Omega_m,S_8,w_0).

    • 15:00 15:30
      Break 30m
    • 15:30 16:30
      Observational steps Lecture theatre until 3 pm, then Canteen

      Lecture theatre until 3 pm, then Canteen

      • 15:30
        The Effective Field Theory of Large-Scale Structure and Multi-tracer (Voivodic) 30m Canteen


        We study the performance of the perturbative bias expansion when combined with the multi-tracer technique, and their impact on the extraction of cosmological parameters. We consider two populations of tracers of large-scale structure and perform a series of Markov chain Monte Carlo analysis for those two tracers separately. The constraints in ωcdm and h using multi-tracer are less biased and approximately 60% better than those obtained for a single tracer. The multi-tracer approach also provides stronger constraints on the bias expansion parameters, breaking degeneracies between them and with their error being typically half of the single-tracer case. Finally, we studied the impacts caused in parameter extraction when including a correlation between the stochastic field of distinct tracers. We also include a study with galaxies showing that multi-tracer still lead to substantial gains in the cosmological parameters.

      • 16:00
        Going beyond redshift-space distortions with the streaming model (Dam) 30m Canteen


        There are several effects which distort the observed clustering of galaxies. By far the best known are redshift-space distortions. In this talk I will discuss another, more subtle effect - the effect of gravitational redshift on large-scale structure. The impact of this non-kinematic effect is suppressed relative to RSD in the auto-correlations and is best probed in the odd multipoles of the cross-correlation function between two tracers. Here the dipole has emerged as the best prospect for detecting the gravitational redshift. But recent work has shown that the strongest detection will likely be from mildly nonlinear scales, presenting a modelling challenge. In this talk I will describe recent modelling efforts. In particular, I will show how to generalise the workhorse streaming model to include in the nonlinear regime not only the gravitational redshift but several other important effects (wide-angle effects, magnification bias, projection effects, etc).

    • 16:30 17:00
      Panel or moderated discussion: Status of perturbation theory and priorities for addressing challenges to come given the amount of survey data coming in the next decade 30m Canteen


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