Hybrid Lagrangian models (Zennaro)

4 Jun 2024, 11:38
Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion


Emulators are becoming increasingly important in performing Bayesian inference for current and upcoming cosmological surveys. I will discuss the hybrid Lagrangian bias expansion model in real space, a nonlinear bias model able to describe galaxy clustering to very small scales (~0.7 h/Mpc) and its corresponding emulator implementation in the emulation suite baccoemu. I will also quickly review the tools baccoemu provides for describing the matter power spectrum in the presence of baryons down to k=10 h/Mpc. The combination of the real space galaxy clustering model and matter power spectrum model represents an essential tool for 3x2point analysis of upcoming weak lensing surveys.

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