Tomographic analysis with the weak lensing convergence one-point statistics (Castiblanco, presented by Harnois-Deraps)

5 Jun 2024, 14:30
Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion


The weak lensing convergence probability distribution function (PDF) has proven to contain valuable information for improving the constraints on cosmological parameters. The convergence PDF can be easily measured from simulated and observed mass maps and can be modelled with high accuracy on mildly non-linear scales. In this work we investigate the constraining power of the convergence PDF when adding tomography using Euclid-like source galaxy redshift bins and including shape noise. We cross-validate the predicted and the measured convergence PDF derived from convergence maps reconstructed using shear catalogues from an N-body simulation. Employing a Fisher forecast, we determine the constraining power for (\Omega_m,S_8,w_0).

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