Theoretical Modeling of Large-Scale Structure of the Universe

from Monday, 3 June 2024 (08:45) to Wednesday, 5 June 2024 (17:00)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
3 Jun 2024
4 Jun 2024
5 Jun 2024
Registration (Royal Observatory of Edinburgh, Reception) (until 09:15) ()
Welcome (Peacock) (until 09:30) ()
EFT of LSS (until 10:30) ()
09:30 EFT of LSS (D'Amico)   ()
10:00 EFT of LSS (Zhang)   ()
10:30 --- Break ---
EFT of LSS (until 12:30) ()
11:00 Integrated perturbation theory for scalar and tensor fields (Matsubara)   ()
11:30 Intrinsic alignments (Kokron)   ()
12:00 The bispectrum in LPT (Chen)   ()
Simulations and theory interplay (until 10:34) ()
09:00 Fast numerical methods for cosmological inference from LSS (Hahn)   ()
09:30 Hermes - Towards an Ultimate High-Performance Algorithm for Cosmic Statistics of Large Data Sets (Feng)   ()
09:47 CLASS-OneLoop: Presentation and mock data analysis (Linde)   ()
10:17 CLASS-OneLoop: Numerical Implementation and Outlook (Lesgourgues)   ()
10:34 --- Break ---
Simulations and theory interplay (until 12:38) ()
11:04 Predicting non-linear effects in matter clustering from changes in cosmology and baryons using multi-fidelity simulations (Conley)   ()
11:21 The “Missing baryons” in the cosmic web—what is it? Where is it? How much? (Ma)   ()
11:38 Hybrid Lagrangian models (Zennaro)   ()
12:08 HYMALAIA: A Hybrid Lagrangian Model for Intrinsic Alignments (Maion)   ()
Theory to observation (until 10:30) ()
09:00 Building the EFT of LSS beyond the standard model (Castorina)   ()
09:30 Large scale structure formation in theories with scale dependent linear growth (Aviles)   ()
10:00 Issues for perturbative methods at higher redshift (White)   ()
10:30 --- Break ---
Theory to observation (until 12:30) ()
11:00 New tests of dark matter and inflation with BOSS using perturbation theory (Ivanov)   ()
11:30 PNG in LSS modeling and analyses (Philcox)   ()
12:00 Field level bias modeling, assembly bias, and primordial non-Gaussianity (Sullivan)   ()
12:30 --- Lunch ---
EFT of LSS (until 14:00) ()
13:30 Galaxy bias renormalization group (Rubira)   ()
14:00 Panel led discussion: New domains for Perturbation Theory   ()
field theory of cosmic structures (until 15:00) ()
14:30 Optimal Transport Reconstruction of Large Scale Structures (Nikakhtar)   ()
15:00 --- Break ---
field theory of cosmic structures (until 16:30) ()
15:30 What makes a filament? (Feldbrugge)   ()
16:00 The energy principle for the shape of protohaloes (Musso)   ()
16:30 spotlights   ()
17:00 --- reception ---
12:38 --- Lunch ---
Simulations and theory interplay (until 14:55) ()
13:38 Extending Hybrid Models of structure formation (Pellejero)   ()
14:08 Field-level emulation of cosmic structure formation with styled neural networks (Jamieson)   ()
14:25 Perturbative Forward-Modeling of Large-Scale Structure for Field-Level Analysis and Beyond (Stadler)   ()
14:55 --- Break ---
Simulations and theory interplay (until 16:00) ()
15:30 How much information is left in galaxy clustering beyond the power spectrum? (Akitsu)   ()
16:00 Panel led discussion: Simulations and theory   ()
16:30 Panel led discussion: Status of numerical implementations of PT – What’s “done”? What are their strengths? What’s missing?   ()
20:00 --- Conference dinner ---
12:30 --- Lunch ---
13:30 Panel led discussion: "Limits of pt, setting external priors, setting k_NL, how to squeeze info from LSS on small scales"   ()
Observational steps (until 15:00) ()
14:00 Emission line galaxies: local PNG bias (Desjacques)   ()
14:30 Tomographic analysis with the weak lensing convergence one-point statistics (Castiblanco, presented by Harnois-Deraps)   ()
15:00 --- Break ---
Observational steps (until 16:30) ()
15:30 The Effective Field Theory of Large-Scale Structure and Multi-tracer (Voivodic)   ()
16:00 Going beyond redshift-space distortions with the streaming model (Dam)   ()
16:30 Panel or moderated discussion: Status of perturbation theory and priorities for addressing challenges to come given the amount of survey data coming in the next decade   ()
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