Feb 24 – 27, 2025
James Clerk Maxwell Building
Europe/London timezone


First quantised, or worldline, approaches to QFT are growing in popularity, not least due to recent successes in the areas of QFT in strong fields, and in the amplitudes-based approach to the classical 2-body problem in gravitation. Moreover, the worldline formalism has a long history of providing non-perturbative information on processes in both QED and QCD, including at finite temperature. It is now recognised as a powerful alternative to the standard "field-theoretic" approach, especially for high-multiplicity processes.


The aim of this Higgs Centre workshop is to bring members of different communities together to exchange ideas on worldline approaches to strong field physics, scattering amplitudes for classical gravity, and real-time path-integrals for cosmology. It will provide a forum to stimulate new collaborations and knowledge exchange between different groups using first quantisation.


This three and a half day workshop will include talks and extended discussion sessions in order to facilitate cross-disciplinary interactions.


Lunch and refreshments will be provided. There are limited funds available to support ECRs who would not otherwise be able to attend.


  • Patrick Copinger, University of Plymouth, UK
  • James P. Edwards, University of Plymouth, UK
  • Anton Ilderton, University of Edinburgh, UK
  • Karthik Rajeev, University of Edinburgh, UK
James Clerk Maxwell Building
Higgs Centre Seminar Room (4305)
School of Physics and Astronomy University of Edinburgh James Clerk Maxwell Building Peter Guthrie Tait Road Edinburgh EH9 3FD
The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.
Application for this event is currently open.