10–13 Sept 2019
James Clerk Maxwell Building, King's Buildings, Edinburgh
UTC timezone

The aim of this meeting is to bring together experts in small-x physics to discuss recent progress in the field. Topics to be discussed include collider phenomenology, amplitudes and calculations with transverse-momentum-dependent distributions at higher orders. The workshop will feature some review talks on the following topics

  • Theory Overview (Stefano Forte)
  • Experimental Overview (Paul Newman)
  • Scattering Amplitudes (Claude Duhr)
  • Amplitudes in the Regge limit (Leonardo Vernazza)
  • BFKL and impact factors at NLO (Giovanni Chirilli)
  • Parton Distribution Functions and LHC phenomenology (Marco Bonvini)
  • Calculations in kT-factorisation (Andreas van Hameren)
  • Unintegrated Parton Densities (Francesco Hautmann) 
  • Coulomb gluons and factorization (Jeff Forshaw)
  • Jets in the High Energy Limit (Jeppe Andersen)
  • Jets in the BFKL formalims (Samuel Wallon)

Furthermore, we encourage the submission of abstracts for shorter talks on more specialised topics. In this context, abstracts from PhD students and postdocs working in this field are particularly welcomed.


Please follow this link to view available B&Bs and guesthouses close to the Kings Building Campus and the James Clerk Maxwell Building. Please inquire about academic rates. Further information on the venue can be found here .


James Clerk Maxwell Building, King's Buildings, Edinburgh
Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics
Peter Guthrie Tait Road, Edinburgh, EH9 3FD