24 January 2019
Higgs Centre for Innovation
Europe/London timezone

Participant List

95 participants

Last Name First Name Affiliation
Aduamoah Mildred MIGSAA
Ahmed Hasib University of Edinbiurgh
Allen John Elekta
Barberio Marino Wentworth Laboratories Ltd.
Baugh Carlton Durham University
Bilton Amy CERN
Black David DMI Precision Engineering Ltd
Blain Andrew Photonic Solutions Ltd
Borrowman Alastair Observatory Sciences Ltd.
Bray Rachel CERN
Bruce-Gardyne Lucinda Edinburgh University School of Physics and Astronomy
Buck Christopher Atkins
Cable David STFC, Hartree Centre
Cahill Brian University of Edinburgh
Camilleri Michael University of Edinburgh
Capp Beatrice Mirion Technologies
Carter Thomas University of Edinburgh
Chalkiadakis Ioannis Heriot-Watt University / The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Center for Robotics
Cuesta Carolina Durham University
Damm Moritz The Data Lab
de Silva Sachin University of Edinburgh
Dean Andrew OCF plc
Del Debbio Luigi The University of Edinburgh
Dixon James Orano Projects UK
Dondelewski Oskar Aston Martin
Edwards Delyth STFC
Fallon Nichola STFC, Hartree Centre
Farrington Sinead University of Edinburgh
Foele Peter University of Strathclyde
Frisch Benjamin CERN
Friswell Indiarose Royal Observatory of Edinburgh
Gallaher David Orbital Micro Systems
Gascoyne Julian Continuum Industries
Giani Tommaso The University of Edinburgh
Gleaves Michael STFC, Hartree Centre
Graham Paul NVIDIA
Grimwade Jamie University of Edinburgh
Hale Matthew Scientific Computing Division & Hartree Centre
Hau Alexandru Mihai University of Edinburgh
Hey Tony STFC
Hunter Scott Protronix
Hurst Timothy University of Edinburgh/ Heriot Watt University
Ingram Vicky Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA)
Innes John Leonardo MW
Kaklamanos Panagiotis Unversity of Edinburgh
Kelly Mike DataCentred TNG
Kennedy Alison Hartree Centre, STFC
Kenway Richard University of Edinburgh
Laghi Norberto Tindeco Financial Services AG
Laird Alison University of York
Laird Eve STFC
Lazic Jasmina Bayes Centre, University of Edinburgh
Leonidopoulos Christos University of Edinburgh
Lilford Leona Okazaki Manufacturing Company Limited
Maneuski Dima University of Glasgow
Marr Simon Bayes Centre - University of Edinburgh
McGrouther Damien University of Glasgow
Muheim Franz University of Edinburgh
Murphy Alex University of Edinburgh
Needham Matthew University of Edinburgh
Owen Mark Tindeco Financial Services
Papachristodoulou Athena Higgs Centre
Papanastasiou Giorgos University of Edinburgh
Parsons Mark EPCC
Paschalis Stefanos University of York
Peden John Riello UPS Ltd
Pellegrini Roberto Amazon
Petrucci Stefano University of Edinburgh
Pinning Robin STFC, Hartree Centre
Pritchard Mark NIS Ltd
Quera-Bofarull Arnau Durham University
Robertson David Stewart Technology Ltd
Rogerson Helen STFC
Rovatsos Michael University of Edinburgh
Rowan Sheila University of Glasgow
Sanderson David Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre
Schlijper Antoine STFC, Hartree Centre
Sime Duncan STFC, Hartree Centre
Smillie Jennifer Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics
Smith Gary University of Edinburgh
Tall Roger Charcroft Electronics Ltd
Taylor James Goodfellow Cambridge Ltd
Thomson Lisa Laser 2000 UK Ltd
Todd Benjamin CERN
Trew Arthur UoE
Tweedie Robert Blackford Analysis Ltd.
Vlaar Tiffany University of Edinburgh (MIGSAA)
Walker Danny Rhys University of Edinburgh
Walker David Mirion Technologies Ltd
Ward Joanne Scottish Government
Wilson Michael The University of Edinburgh
Wilson Stuart Nvidia
Wimberley Catriona Edinburgh Imaging facility QMRI,
Wright Gillian STFC