6–8 Feb 2023
UTC timezone

Review talk: Non-relativistic gravity and non-Lorentzian geometry

6 Feb 2023, 09:30
5.10 (ICMS)



Bayes Centre for Data Science, 47 Potterrow, Edinburgh EH8 9BT


Niels Obers


I will review Newton-Cartan gravity with an emphasis on recent developments, including the covariant, off-shell large speed of light expansion of general relativity. Depending on the matter content, this expansion either leads to Newton-Cartan geometry with absolute time or to Newton-Cartan geometry with non-relativistic gravitational time dilation effects. The latter shows that non-relativistic gravity includes a strong field regime and goes beyond Newtonian gravity. Earlier work on Newton-Cartan geometry will be briefly discussed, after which we turn to modern approaches, which include the gauging of the Bargmann algebra, as well as a new notion of `type II' notion of Newton-Cartan geometry which arises from the large speed of light (c) expansion of General Relativity.  Finally, I will mention matter couplings, solutions and odd powers in 1/c, as well as a summary of related topics.

Presentation materials