19–22 Mar 2024
Higgs Centre Seminar Room
Europe/London timezone

Comparing numeric and analytic methods for black hole scattering in unequal mass systems (Oliver Long)

20 Mar 2024, 11:00
4305 (Higgs Centre Seminar Room)


Higgs Centre Seminar Room

James Clerk Maxwell Building Edinburgh EH9 3FD


Oliver Long (AEI)


In this talk, we address the significance of studying hyperbolic orbits in gravitational physics by comparing different methods of calculating scattering observables. We begin by detailing a numerical calculation method for the scalar self-force correction to the scattering angle and juxtapose these results with analytical expressions derived from scattering-amplitude methods, up to fourth post-Minkowskian order. We then provide an overview of the current state of modelling scattering orbits within Numerical Relativity. Specifically, we compare preliminary results of unequal mass hyperbolic binary black hole encounters obtained through Numerical Relativity simulations with predictions from post-Minkowskian and Effective One Body methods. Our findings shed light on the strengths and limitations of each method and pave the way for further advancements in understanding hyperbolic encounters in gravitational systems.

Presentation materials