CLASS-OneLoop: Presentation and mock data analysis (Linde)

4 Jun 2024, 09:47
Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion

Lecture theatre, 20 min+10 discussion


We present CLASS-OneLoop, a numerical tool fully integrated into the Boltzmann code CLASS, enabling the calculation of the one-loop power spectrum of biased tracers in redshift space following the EFTofLSS. We first summarise the theoretical modelling and the expansion formalism used in the code. We then show that an MCMC fit to spectrum wedges measured from the AbacusSummit suite with CLASS-OneLoop retrieves the cosmological parameters without any bias with our modelling and analysis choices. Finally, we show the results of an MCMC forecast based on Stage-IV-like mock data and likelihood. We find that we can measure simultaneously at least 29 cosmological and nuisance parameters.

Presentation Materials

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