17–18 Feb 2020
Lecture Theatre C
UTC timezone
VIDYO AUTOJOIN URL: https://vidyoportal.cern.ch/join/CLVrLeXuwC Vidyo room: ECHEP_Workshop_1

The Efficient Computing for High Energy Physics (ECHEP) project is funded by STFC's opportunities call. The aim of the project is to enable the UK HEP community to contribute to harnessing modern computing architectures and improve software and computing efficiency. This will directly address the HL-LHC computing problem.

Please register as soon as possible, and not later than 30th January, if you would like to attend, using the link below.

The workshop will bring together interested members of the UK community and international experts with the following aims:

  • Inform the community on alternative architectures (industry representatives)
  • Discuss the challenges of the HEP software stack
  • Discuss work already done to address this, within the UK and internationally
  • Identify proof-of-principle demonstrations of new platforms
  • Form a new community of experts in the UK, with international engagement
  • Establish working parties with defined deliverables and reporting structure
  • Discuss preparation of an SoI to STFC's Science Board with the PI of the planned SoI to STFC: Professor Davide Costanzo (University of Sheffield)

Following this workshop and the second workshop six months later, a detailed plan and impact strategy for a subsequent three-year R&D project will be written that will provide a basis for parts of the anticipated STFC project proposal, if the SoI, led by Davide Costanzo, is approved.

The workshop will run from 9am on 17th February until 5pm on 18th February.  The workshop is funded by STFC's opportunities call and by the Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics in Edinburgh.

Conference Organisers:
Professor Sinead Farrington (University of Edinburgh)
Professor Dave Newbold (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
Dr Conor Fitzpatrick (University of Manchester)

PI of SoI to STFC: Professor Davide Costanzo (University of Sheffield)


Please follow this link to view available B&Bs and guesthouses close to the Kings Building Campus and the James Clerk Maxwell Building. Please inquire about academic rates. Further information on the venue can be found here.

Lecture Theatre C
School of Physics and Astronomy University of Edinburgh James Clerk Maxwell Building Peter Guthrie Tait Road Edinburgh EH9 3FD


UK - Efficient Computing in High Energy Physics
Auto-join URL
Registration for this event is currently open.