Feb 17 – 18, 2020
Lecture Theatre C
UTC timezone
VIDYO AUTOJOIN URL: https://vidyoportal.cern.ch/join/CLVrLeXuwC Vidyo room: ECHEP_Workshop_1

Participant List

78 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Abdeslem DJAOUI PPD, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, STFC
Adam Barton Lancaster University
Adam Davis University of Manchester (GB)
Akanksha Vishwakarma University of Edinburgh
Akram Khan Brunel University London
Alessandro Cerri University of Sussex
Alexander Titterton Graphcore
Anthony Kennedy University of Edinburgh
Ben Morgan University of Warwick
Benjamin Krikler
Benjamin Wynne The University of Edinburgh (GB)
Carl Gwilliam University of Liverpool
Caterina Doglioni Lund University
Chris Brew STFC - RAL
Christian Gutschow UCL
Christopher Jones University of Cambridge
Christos Leonidopoulos The University of Edinburgh
Claire Shepherd-Themistocleous RAL
Conor Fitzpatrick University of Manchester
Daniel O'Hanlon University of Bristol (GB)
Darren Price University of Manchester
Dave Brown STFC - UKRI
David Britton Glasgow
David Colling Imperial College London
David Newbold STFC / RAL
David Petyt Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Davide Costanzo Sheffield
Eduardo Rodrigues University of Liverpool
Estifa'a Zaid University of Edinburgh
Franz Muheim
Giulio Falcioni University of Edinburgh
Graeme A Stewart CERN
Guillermo Hamity The University of Edinburgh (GB)
Gurpreet Singh Chahal Imperial College London and IPPP Durham University (GB)
Hasib Ahmed The University of Edinburgh (GB)
Henry Schreiner Princeton University
Jacob Linacre STFC RAL
James Frost University of Oxford (GB)
Jennifer Zonneveld The University of Edinburgh
John Baines STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Jon Butterworth University College London
Jonas Rademacker University of Bristol
Katy Ellis STFC - RAL
Konstantinos Petridis University of Bristol
Kurt Rinnert University of Liverpool
Lars Eklund University of Glasgow
Liza Mijovic Edinburgh
Louie Corpe UCL
Luke Kreczko University of Bristol
Manuel Schiller University of Glasgow (GB)
Marek Schoenherr IPPP Durham
Mark Owen The University of Glasgow
Mark Slater University of Birmingham
Mark Williams University of Manchester
Matthew Needham University of Edinburgh
Michael Marshall The University of Edinburgh
Michele Faucci Giannelli University of Edinburgh
Mika Vesterinen University of Warwick
Miquel Nebot University of Edinburgh
Nathan Sircombe Arm
Nikos Konstantinidis UCL
Paul Graham NVIDIA
Peter Richardson CERN
Peter Zuzek Codeplay Software
Robert Currie Edinburgh
Rod Burns Codeplay Software
Roger Jones Lancaster University
Simon George RHUL
Sinead Farrington University of Edinburgh
Stephan Eisenhardt The University of Edinburgh (GB)
Stewart Martin-Haugh Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Tim Martin University of Warwick (GB)
Vera Guelpers University of Edinburgh
Victoria Martin University of Edinburgh
Victoria Parrish University of Edinburgh
Victoria Rege Graphcore
Will Turner University of Liverpool
Yanyan Gao University of Edinburgh