3–6 Jul 2023
University of Edinburgh George Square Central Area
Europe/London timezone

Calorimeter clustering with deep-learning approach

Not scheduled
1h 30m
Lecture Theatre 1 (Appleton Tower)

Lecture Theatre 1

Appleton Tower

11 Crichton St, Newington, Edinburgh EH8 9LE
Oral presentation Parallel - Detector


Fangyi Guo (Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS)


Calorimeter clustering is a classical pattern recognition task in high energy experiments. Traditionally this is performed by aggregating neighbor cells according to the expected topology with some fine-tuned algorithms, e.g. the Particle Flow Algorithm (PFA) that commonly adopted in the future lepton collider experiment. Nowadays the deep-learning models such as Graph Neural Network (GNN) and self-attention structure have shown great potential in handling similar complex tasks.
So we attempted to introduce these deep-learning models into the calorimeter clustering task, aiming for an end-to-end reconstruction algorithm in the granular calorimeter in future lepton collider experiments. Also it can be a convenient tool for the detector design and optimization at the preparation stage, since the fine-tuning procedure for the traditional algorithms can be replaced by re-training the model. This talk/poster will cover the preliminary progress we have and the discussions about this new approach.

Primary authors

Fangyi Guo (Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS) Mr Weizheng Song (IHEP, CAS) Prof. Shengsen Sun (IHEP, CAS) Prof. Xinchou Lou (IHEP, CAS) Prof. Yifang Wang (IHEP, CAS)

Presentation materials

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