3–6 Jul 2023
University of Edinburgh George Square Central Area
Europe/London timezone

Light Higgs bosons at the CEPC

4 Jul 2023, 17:30
Lecture Theatre 2 (Appleton Tower)

Lecture Theatre 2

Appleton Tower

11 Crichton St, Newington, Edinburgh EH8 9LE
Oral presentation Parallel - Physics


Sven Heinemeyer (IFT/CSIC (Madrid))


We discuss the phenomenology of light Higgs bosons at the CEPC. We focus on a Higgs boson at $\sim 95$ GeV, as suggested by recent ATLAS and CMS searches. Such a scenario can be tested in two ways at CEPC: 1) via precision measurements of the $h_{125}$; 2) via direct production of the $h_{95}$. We demonstrate that these measurements are crucial to determine the characteristics of the BSM Higgs sector.

Primary author

Sven Heinemeyer (IFT/CSIC (Madrid))

Presentation materials