3-6 July 2023
University of Edinburgh George Square Central Area
Europe/London timezone


Parallel - Accelerator

3 Jul 2023, 14:00
Lecture Theatre 3 (Appleton Tower)

Lecture Theatre 3

Appleton Tower

11 Crichton St, Newington, Edinburgh EH8 9LE


Parallel - Accelerator

  • jie Gao (Institute of High Energy Physics)

Parallel - Accelerator

  • Yuhui Li ()

Parallel - Accelerator

  • Peter Williams (STFC Daresbury Laboratory & Cockcroft Institute)

Parallel - Accelerator

  • Peter Williams (STFC Daresbury Laboratory & Cockcroft Institute)

Parallel - Accelerator

  • Yuhui Li ()

Parallel - Accelerator

  • Zusheng Zhou ()

Parallel - Accelerator

  • jie Gao (Institute of High Energy Physics)

Presentation Materials

There are no materials yet.
Peter Williams (STFC Daresbury Laboratory & Cockcroft Institute)
03/07/2023, 14:00
Yiwei Wang (IHEP)
03/07/2023, 14:30
Yuan Zhang (IHEP)
03/07/2023, 15:00
Dou Wang (IHEP)
03/07/2023, 16:10
Jingru Zhang (IHEP)
03/07/2023, 16:35
Meng Cai (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
03/07/2023, 17:00
Pantaleo Raimondi
03/07/2023, 17:25
Jacqueline Keintzel (CERN)
04/07/2023, 09:50
Collette Pakuza
04/07/2023, 10:15
qingjin Xu
04/07/2023, 12:20
Peng Sha
04/07/2023, 14:25
Andrey Abramov (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
04/07/2023, 15:15
Dazhang Li
04/07/2023, 16:40
Dr Song Jin (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
05/07/2023, 11:50
Angeles Faus-Golfe
05/07/2023, 12:20
Building timetable...
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