Higgs Centre-UKAEA Plasma Physics Workshop

4305 (Higgs Centre)


Higgs Centre

School of Physics and Astronomy University of Edinburgh James Clerk Maxwell Building Peter Guthrie Tait Road Edinburgh EH9 3FD

As part of a joint initiative by the Higgs Centre and UKAEA, we are holding a meeting on plasma physics theory 8-10 Nov, 2023. The meeting aims to bring together UKAEA and university experts and create interaction across this field. We envisage forming a UK-wide virtual centre for plasma theory, which we aim to seed in this first meeting.

  • Alexander Morozov
  • Ali Ozel
  • Andrew McLeod
  • Anna Lisa Varri
  • Antonio Attili
  • Arjun Berera
  • Benedict Floyd
  • Brian Pendleton
  • Christopher Ham
  • Colin M Roach
  • Deep Sagar
  • Dogan Akpinar
  • Einan Gardi
  • Fulvio Militello
  • Giorgio Frangi
  • Idrus Husin Belfaqih
  • Jacob Page
  • Jiawei Li
  • Job Feldbrugge
  • Jordan Wolken
  • Josh Williams
  • Kaibo Hu
  • Kevin Somenzi
  • Livio GIbelli
  • Marc Raguz
  • Matthew McCormack
  • Michael Fitzgerald
  • Michela Massimi
  • Mile Vrbica
  • Moritz Linkmann
  • Samuli Saarelma
  • Satria Widyanto
  • Vuk Malis