Andre Hoang - Calibration of the MC top quark mass parameter with variable parton shower cut-off

1 Jun 2023, 08:30
Drawing Room

Drawing Room


Andre Hoang (University of Vienna)


In a recent work by Hoang, Plätzer and Samitz is has been shown at the parton level that the relation top quark mass in MC event generators to a well-defined renormalization scheme depends on the parton shower cutoff. Still, it has not been known to which extent the hadronization model may affect this relation and how much this relation depends on the MC event generator and the NLO matching scheme. Given the current uncertainties from direct measurements of well below 400 MeV this issue becomes increasingly important. In the presentation the discussion is extended to the hadron level , also showing new results based on a novel cluster hadronziation model in the Herwig event generator. The results represent an important additional step towards assigning a definite scheme to the MC top mass parameter.

Presentation materials