Kai Yan - Multi-point energy correlations in N=4 Super Yang-Mills Theory

30 May 2023, 15:00
Drawing Room

Drawing Room


Kai Yan (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)


The Energy Correlator observables probe the geometric distributions of energy flow in the final states of particle scattering experiments. They provide valuable data for studies ranging from conformal field theories to jet substructure. We present an analytic formula for the three-point energy correlator (EEEC) at leading order (LO) in N = 4 super Yang Mills theory, which exhibits unexplored simplicity and novel features in its function space. In addition we introduce a new approach to obtaining higher-point correlators in the small-angle limit from the super form factor of protected scalar operators. These results provide tools and experience for QCD, which is phenomenologically relevant for the cutting-edge studies at LHC.

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