Martin Beneke - Gradient flow renormalon subtraction and the hadronic tau decay series

31 May 2023, 11:00
Drawing Room

Drawing Room


Martin Beneke (Technische Universität München)


We subtract the gluon-condensate renormalon singularity in the Adler function, which causes the discrepancy between fixed-order (FOPT) and contour-improved perturbation theory (CIPT), employing the gradient flow action density. The scheme leads to automatic subtraction, does not require knowledge of the Stokes constant (renormalon residue), and relates to a non-perturbatively defined cut-off gluon condensate. Unlike unsubtracted perturbation theory, FOPT and CIPT give consistent results for the inclusive hadronic tau decay width, removing a major uncertainty in the determination of the strong coupling from tau decay.

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