DEX-XVII: 17th Durham-Edinburgh eXtragalactic Workshop

Virtual Conference

Virtual Conference


Traces of new Physics: insights into the unknown 

The DEX XVII workshop invites colleagues from Durham, Edinburgh, Lancaster, Newcastle and St Andrews-- to meet virtually and present our recent advances in extragalactic astronomy, including cosmology, galaxy formation, AGN feedback, the very first stars and reionisation. In past meetings we have revisited big questions in astronomy that await for answers from the next generation of instruments and theoretical progress. During this meeting, let us share our insights into those unknowns, and explore possible traces of new physics. We aim to bring together observers and theorists to discuss progress in modelling, simulation and observations at the frontier. Along the way, we hope to create a space where we can freely exchange new ideas and which will foster collaborations among our respective research groups.

Dates: 6th - 7th, January, 2021

Important dates: 
Registration opens -  Fri Nov 20th 2020
Deadline for abstract submission - Fri Dec 4th 2020
Schedule will be announced by Mon Dec 21st 2020

Programme now available! Check it out here or dowload the pdf.

We expect all attendees to adhere to the conference code of conduct which can be found here.

Venue: this conference will be online

Social events: Quiz night (online) on Wednesday evening, from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm

Registration is free of charge.

Organizers: The following people have been involved in the organisation of DEX XVII:

        Co-chair: Yan-Chuan Cai (Edinburgh)
        Co-chair: Teresita Suarez Noguez (Edinburgh)
        Mathilde Jauzac (Durham)
        Andrew Robertson (Durham)
        David Sobral (Lancaster)
        Juan V. Hernandez Santisteban (St Andrews) 
        Christopher Harrison (Newcastle)



  • Adam Carnall
  • Adriano Poci
  • Aidan Sedgewick
  • Alastair Edge
  • Alessandro Maraio
  • Alex Beckett
  • Alex Gough
  • Alex Hall
  • Alice Eltvedt
  • Amy Etherington
  • Andrea Incatasciato
  • Andrew Robertson
  • Andy Lawrence
  • Andy Taylor
  • Angus MacKenzie
  • Anna Niemiec
  • Annagrazia Puglisi
  • Anne Archibald
  • Anne-Marie Weijmans
  • Ashley Wilkins
  • Avery Meiksin
  • Ben Moews
  • Benjamin Giblin
  • Bob Mann
  • Britton Smith
  • Brooke Simmons
  • Callum Donnan
  • Cameron Grove
  • Carlos Frenk
  • Carolina Andonie
  • Cassandra Barlow-Hall
  • Catherine Cerny
  • Catherine Hale
  • Cedric Lacey
  • Charlie Mpetha
  • Christopher Harrison
  • Cora Uhlemann
  • Corey Pirie
  • Cristian Barrera-Hinojosa
  • Daniele Sorini
  • Danielle Leonard
  • David Copeland
  • David Lagattuta
  • David O'Ryan
  • David Rosario
  • David Sobral
  • Dylan Robson
  • Ellen Sirks
  • Eric Tittley
  • Fergus Cullen
  • Fergus Donnan
  • Filip Husko
  • fionagh thomson
  • Francesca Caloro
  • Francesca Lane
  • Frederika Phipps
  • Giorgio Manzoni
  • Guillaume Mahler
  • Hannah Turner
  • Harry Chittenden
  • Harry Rendell
  • Heather Wade
  • Isobel Hook
  • Isobelle Garland
  • Jack Birkin
  • Jack Delaney
  • Jake Mitchell
  • James Aird
  • James Nightingale
  • James Petley
  • Jamie Dumayne
  • Joaquin Armijo
  • Joe Zuntz
  • John Stott
  • Jonathan Carrick
  • Juan Hernandez Santisteban
  • Julie Wardlow
  • Keith Horne
  • Kenneth Duncan
  • Kyle Oman
  • Lara Alegre
  • Leah Morabito
  • Louise Welsh
  • Manika Sidhu
  • Marika Asgari
  • Marios Kalomenopoulos
  • Marta Ramos
  • Massissilia Hamadouche
  • Matteo Cataneo
  • Matthew Chan
  • Michael Petersen
  • Minas Karamanis
  • Nicholas Amos
  • Nikolina Sarcevic
  • Niraj Welikala
  • Pascale Desmet
  • Patrick O'Neill
  • Phil Short
  • Philip Best
  • Qianjun Hang
  • Richard Massey
  • Rita Tojeiro
  • Rob McGibbon
  • Rohit Kondapally
  • Rokas Zemaitis
  • Romeel Dave
  • Rosie Braunholtz
  • Russell Smith
  • Ryan Begley
  • Sam Moore
  • Samuel Hayes
  • Sarah Appleby
  • Shaun Cole
  • Simon Morris
  • Simone Gordon
  • Simone Scaringi
  • Stephanie Campbell
  • Teresita Suarez Noguez
  • Thomas Cornish
  • Tianyi Yang
  • Tilman Troester
  • Ting-Yun Cheng
  • Tom Rose
  • Tom Theuns
  • Tsang Keung Chan
  • Ugne Dudzeviciute
  • Vicky Fawcett
  • Victor Forouhar
  • Weiguang Cui
  • Yan-Chuan Cai
  • Yirui Zheng
  • Wednesday, 6 January
    • 09:00 09:20
      Connection Starts 20m Zoom


      Zoom meeting will open

    • 09:20 09:30
      Welcome! 10m
    • 09:30 09:45
      Strong gravitational lensing: Investigating the structure and evolution of massive elliptical galaxies 15m
      Speaker: Etherington Amy (Durham University)
    • 09:45 10:00
      How dark are filaments in the cosmic web? 15m
      Speaker: Yang Tianyi (The University of Edinburgh)
    • 10:00 10:15
      The galaxy-halo connection in clusters 15m
      Speaker: Niemiec Anna (Durham University)
    • 10:15 10:30
      Constraining the Dark Matter Particle With Strong Gravitational Lensing 15m
      Speaker: Nightingale James (Durham University)
    • 10:30 10:36
      New constraints on AGN number counts using the Swift/XRT serendipitous survey 6m
      Speaker: Delaney Jack (The University of Edinburgh)
    • 10:36 10:42
      The Onset of Gravothermal Core Collapse in Velocity Dependent Self-Interacting Dark Matter Subhaloes 6m
      Speaker: Turner Hannah (Durham University)
    • 10:42 10:48
      DM Loss in Simulated CDM & SIDM Clusters 6m
      Speaker: Sirks Ellen (Durham University)
    • 10:48 10:54
      Fast HOD fitting for the creation of mock galaxy catalogues 6m
      Speaker: Grove Cameron (Durham University)
    • 10:54 11:00
      Tracing the evolution of bulges and disks in faint galaxies using 3D Multi-wavelength Modelling 6m
      Speaker: Welikala Niraj (The University of Edinburgh)
    • 11:00 11:30
      Coffee Break 30m

      Breakout rooms in Zoom available

    • 11:30 11:45
      The impact of galactic Lyman-alpha emission on the 21-cm Cosmic Dawn signal 15m
      Speaker: Meiksin Avery (The University of Edinburgh)
    • 11:45 12:00
      An analytic model of cosmic star formation 15m
      Speaker: Sorini Daniele (The University of Edinburgh)
    • 12:00 12:15
      The stochastic enrichment of near-pristine systems 15m
      Speaker: Welsh Louise (Durham University)
    • 12:15 12:30
      Hunting for Globular Clusters in the Early Universe 15m
      Speaker: Phipps Frederika (The University of Edinburgh)
    • 12:30 14:00
      Lunch Break 1h 30m
    • 14:00 14:15
      Y-NBS: Probing the epoch of reionisation with the brightest distant LAEs 15m
      Speaker: Wade Heather (Lancaster University)
    • 14:15 14:30
      The frequency of galaxy mergers in the local and distant Universe 15m
      Speaker: Husko Filip (Durham University)
    • 14:30 14:45
      Probing rotation curves to the edges of individual star-forming galaxies at high-redshift 15m
      Speaker: Puglisi Annagrazia (Durham University)
    • 14:45 15:00
      Pathways to quenching galaxies in SIMBA cosmological simulation and observations 15m
      Speaker: Zheng Yirui (The University of St. Andrews)
    • 15:00 15:06
      Radiation Hydrodynamics in High Redshift Universe 6m
      Speaker: Chan Tsang Keung (Durham University)
    • 15:06 15:12
      Mocking The Universe Using Machine Learning 6m
      Speaker: Chittenden Harry (The University of St. Andrews)
    • 15:12 15:18
      Galaxy disequilibrium: galaxy-satellite interaction induced reflex motion 6m
      Speaker: Petersen Michael (The University of Edinburgh)
    • 15:18 15:24
      Resolved spectroscopy of cluster galaxies at z>1 now and into the future 6m
      Speaker: Amos Nicholas (Lancaster University)
    • 15:24 15:30
      Dynamical Modelling of MaNGA Galaxies Using Cold Gas 6m
      Speaker: Campbell Stephanie (The University of St. Andrews)
    • 15:30 16:00
      Tea Break 30m
    • 16:00 16:15
      An ALMA/NOEMA survey of the molecular gas properties of submillimetre galaxies 15m
      Speaker: Birkin Jack (Durham University)
    • 16:15 16:30
      Exploring the environments of SMGs using narrowband observations 15m
      Speaker: Cornish Thomas (Lancaster University)
    • 16:30 16:45
      Tracing the evolution of dust-obscured activity using sub-millimetre galaxy populations 15m
      Speaker: Dudzeviciute Ugne (Durham University)
    • 16:45 17:00
      The Lyman Continuum escape fraction of z~3.5 VANDELS galaxies 15m
      Speaker: Begley Ryan (The University of Edinburgh)
    • 19:30 21:00
      Quiz Night! 1h 30m
  • Thursday, 7 January
    • 09:30 09:45
      The linked orbital and star formation histories of satellite galaxies 15m
      Speaker: Oman Kyle (Durham University)
    • 09:45 10:00
      The build-up of the Lyman-Werner background during cosmic structure formation 15m
      Speaker: Incatasciato Andrea (The University of Edinburgh)
    • 10:00 10:15
      Estimating Photometric Redshifts Of Galaxy Clusters With Machine Learning 15m
      Speaker: Chan Matthew (Lancaster University)
    • 10:15 10:30
      LOFAR sources identification with Machine Learning 15m
      Speaker: Alegre Lara (The University of Edinburgh)
    • 10:30 10:36
      The X-ray Evolution of Galaxy Groups and Clusters in SIMBA 6m
      Speaker: Robson Dylan (The University of Edinburgh)
    • 10:36 10:42
      Modern Tools for Robust Cosmological Parameter Inference 6m
      Speaker: Karamanis Minas (The University of Edinburgh)
    • 10:42 10:48
      The future of observational cosmology: optimising a spectroscopic training sample for photometric classification of supernovae 6m
      Speaker: Carrick Jonathan (Lancaster University)
    • 10:48 10:54
      Modeling Strong Gravitational Lensing in Galaxy Clusters 6m
      Speaker: Cerny Catherine (Durham University)
    • 10:54 11:00
      Precision Timing of Transitional Millisecond Pulsar J1023: Obtaining a Reliable Spin-Down Measurement 6m
      Speaker: O'Neill Patrick (Newcastle University)
    • 11:00 11:30
      Coffee break 30m
    • 11:30 11:45
      Testing accretion disc theory with high-cadence reverberation mapping 15m
      Speaker: Hernandez Santisteban Juan (The University of St. Andrews)
    • 11:45 12:00
      Cosmic evolution of jet-mode AGN in LoTSS Deep Fields 15m
      Speaker: Kondapally Rohit (The University of Edinburgh)
    • 12:00 12:15
      Cosmology and Black Hole Physics with Quasars 15m
      Speaker: Eltvedt Alice (Durham University)
    • 12:15 12:30
      An X-shooter insight into dust-reddened quasars 15m
      Speaker: Fawcett Vicky (Durham University)
    • 12:30 14:00
      Lunch 1h 30m
    • 14:00 14:15
      Have LIGO-Virgo detected primordial black holes? 15m
      Speaker: Hall Alex (The University of Edinburgh)
    • 14:15 14:30
      The cosmic density field in modified gravity beyond the 2-point function 15m
      Speaker: Cataneo Matteo (The University of Edinburgh)
    • 14:30 14:45
      A lower density universe? - Measuring imprints of large scale structure on the CMB 15m
      Speaker: Hang Qianjun (The University of Edinburgh)
    • 14:45 15:00
      KiDS-1000: a robust weak gravitational lensing data set 15m
      Speaker: Giblin Benjamin (The University of Edinburgh)
    • 15:00 15:06
      What happens when an AGN irradiates molecular gas? The remarkable case of NGC 2110 6m
      Speaker: Rosario David (Durham University)
    • 15:06 15:12
      New Insights into Quasars with Strong Outflows using the Largest Ever Radio Sample 6m
      Speaker: Petley James (Durham University)
    • 15:12 15:18
      Understanding galaxy alignments for weak gravitational lensing 6m
      Speaker: Leonard Danielle (Newcastle University)
    • 15:18 15:24
      Opening another window on cosmic acceleration using a new probe of the large-scale structure of the Universe 6m
      Speaker: Armijo Joaquin (Durham University)
    • 15:24 15:30
      Shear bias calibration for Stage IV weak lensing surveys 6m
      Speaker: Copeland David (The University of Edinburgh)
    • 15:30 16:00
      Tea and coffee 30m
    • 16:00 16:15
      KiDS-1000 cosmology: Cosmic shear analysis 15m
      Speaker: Asgari Marika (The University of Edinburgh)
    • 16:15 16:30
      72 strong lensing clusters: relation between cluster physical properties, lensing power and predicted high-z candidate 15m
      Speaker: Mahler Guillaume (Durham University)
    • 16:30 16:45
      Pilot-WINGS: A 3D look at Abell 370 with MUSE and HST 15m
      Speaker: Lagattuta David (Durham University)
    • 16:45 17:00
      Exploring astronomical data through sound 15m
      Speaker: Harrison Christopher (Newcastle University)