Numerical approaches to holography, quantum gravity and cosmology

Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics

Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics

James Clerk Maxwell Building Peter Guthrie Tait Road Edinburgh EH9 3FD UK
Holographic AdS/CFT duality and lattice gauge theory are leading non-perturbative approaches to investigate quantum gravity and strongly coupled quantum field theories. Extensive work is ongoing to apply both techniques to broader classes of systems, leading to a growing number of connections between them. Numerical analyses in particular are becoming increasingly important as computational capabilities continue to improve, motivating the development and dissemination of new or improved methods. Representative applications range from numerical relativity calculations of black hole dynamics and non-stationary spacetimes dual to far-from-equilibrium QFTs, to lattice studies of gauge theories with near-conformal dynamics, supersymmetry, or a large number of colours. Important successes of these ideas have been found in matching quantum field theory calculations in 0+1 dimensions with string theory predictions in 9+1 dimensions for black hole entropies with large D0-brane charge. Many advances have also been made recently in studying lattice gauge theories with some supersymmetry and near a conformal limit. The purpose of this workshop is to bring together the different communities of theoretical physicists who use numerical methods to investigate these types of questions. The programme of 16 invited talks over four days, 21--24 May, will leave abundant time for discussions and informal exchanges. By reviewing new developments within each community and fostering communication between them we aim to identify common ground, inspire new ideas and stimulate more rapid progress.